Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Characters

Just because after this arc is done (one more post, I swear) I am dumping all the rest of my cata toons in over a period of time, I thought I might make a quick character list of the ones you know, and will come to know.


Dzie'wanna: The current Protagonist. Her story is coming to a close, her path found and becoming a tame one. A shadow hunter, yes, but not a powerful one and one meant to push others on the path for the future. She may have cameo's in future works, but I feel like she is about done, and I want to give her her rest.

Quetz'le: Dzie'wanna's future mate. After Cataclsym hits, and some of my chaos has died down (I think maybe as a christmas 'gift') I will have a troll style wedding as the final spotlight on her. It will have taken place before the Cataclsym, after the retaking, so it will be a bit of a flashback. Something nice and cheerful to distract from all the drama that will be going on as the world implodes. He is a old dude who is simple in speech, but smart as anything and was quite handsome back in the day.

Tsis'tu: Dzie'wanna and Quetz'le's son. He will be a rogue come Cataclysm, smart and sharp and will be the straight man next to Sinkalip. He will take on the name given to his mother: Dartertrick.

Sinkalip: The nephew of Dzie, cousin of Tsis'tu, and my future troll druid. He will become much more of a main character come cata, and will be a comic character. Flirty, lively, and mischievous as all heck. I am thinking of him being a bit like Bugs Bunny. He will delight in annoying the Night Elves in Moonglade.

Isondo: My future troll mage. Drakkari in origin, I will probably keep her OOC while in most of the big cities. She will have her home in Dalaran in the future, and be a force to be reckoned with. My challenge, but spawned by my love of the Drakkari trolls. I still like the Darkspear more, but man, the Drakkari have such a freakin' story.

Skathidi: My future troll hunter/shadow hunter. She will be one of the students Dzie'wanna taught in the past, who will come back and take the next step to be a shadow hunter soon. A sharper character, a wiser wit, and a veteran of the war in Northrend and had a very brief stint in Outland. In some ways, she is carrying on Dzie's tradition.


Ayunli Thunderdrum: A niece of one of Dzie'wanna's friends who died in Northrend, she had been training as a druid and acting to further friendship between Silvermoon and Thunderbluff before hearing Aponi Brightmane and Tahu Sagewind speak. Now, she is called to battle and has taken the ways of the Sunwalker.


Dizzy: Also known as Dzie'wanna Appletini Wiggle Bedelia Robin Speekeasy III.  Yes, Dzie will be given a race change, but completely different character here. A collector and genius when it comes to animals, she is a odd goblin that has a very apt nickname.

Higgle Lugbomb: Cousin of Dizzy. Miser, grinch, and business woman. Doesn't like get rich quick schemes. At all.Is currently under the service of Her Tallness, Mida Silvertongue. Shaman.

Speekeasy: Sister of Dizzy, also cousin of Higgle. A warrior alchemist who uses the word 'cool' and 'chill' too much. Very laid back, and has both horrendously bad luck (ex. stuff keeps falling at her) and horrendously good luck (ex. the stuff that falls always misses her by a hair).

And, my new main...

Snuffit Threez: A goblin priestess who is cousin of all the other goblins I mentioned, and has six older sisters who are well-known and respected gold-diggers. She is smart, sophisticated, but has a bit of a soft spot for luxery and cheating (she calls it 'insurance').

I am tempted to make Dizzy connected to Dzie'wanna, to keep up the theme of the blog. As a hunter who wasn't on Kezan when it sunk as she was busy traveling and collecting, it is feasible. So something for me to think about.

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