A Day in WoW

So, I have crazy luck with holidays. Since I dinged 80 right during the midsummer festival, me and the holidays of WoW are like peanut butter and marshmellow spread. Let me give you the rundown:

Midsummer: Got the Scyth, got the Pet, got the achieve.
Brewfest: Got both mounts, got the achieve, got the remote, got the tankard.
Hallows End: Got the mount, the achieve (and thus the pet and helmet).

Three for three so far.

It has gotten so well known in my guild about my insane luck that when my GM got the HH mount on the first day, she joked about rubbing me for luck. And the thing is, this is all on one toon. Where some guildies groaned about getting one on a toon they didn't want it for and nothing on their main, I can't say that. All I can do is look at my stables and wonder when the streak will end, you know, since I am so optimistic.

Well, I will enjoy it while it lasts. And hey, I will be enjoying riding my kick-butt horse in the meantime.